Introduction to the Council
Chapter 1 General provisions
Article 1 (Name)
The council is known as the " Tourism Council for the City of Yongin, " or the " Council for the Promotion ".
Article 2 (Purpose)
The Council aims to promote local tourism by establishing a regional tourism council pursuant to Article 48 para 9 of the Tourism Promotion Act.
Article 3 (Location of office)
① The main office of the association is located at 76 Gyeongancheon-ro Cheone-gu, Yongin City, on the second floor of the sports complex.
Article 4 (Business)
The Council shall carry out the following projects in order to meet the objectives of Article 2 :
Chapter 2 Member of Parliament
Article 5 (Membership)
① The members of the association shall be those who have completed the prescribed joining procedure in agreement with the purpose of Article 2 and the purpose of establishment.
② Members shall be divided into regular and semi-member members. However, associate members shall not have voting rights.
③ Those who intend to become a member of the association shall submit a prescribed application for membership to the association.
④ The details of membership fees, etc., shall be set out in a separate regulation at the general meeting.
Article 6 (Rights of the Members)
① A member has the right to vote and elect members of a council and is entitled to participate in a general meeting to suggest opinions about the activities of the association and to participate in a vote. (Excluding semi-mentary members
② The members shall be provided with the data and publications of the association and shall be allowed to access the data on the operation of the association.
Article 7 (member's duty)
The member shall have the following obligations :
Article 8 (withdrawal and expulsion of members)
① The member may voluntarily withdraw from the membership by submitting a withdrawal form in accordance with his intention.
② A member may be expelled after obtaining approval from the General Assembly if the member has impaired the reputation of the Council or has impaired the purpose or has failed to comply with the member's duties for more than one year.
③ In the event that a member loses his or her membership due to withdrawal or expulsion, the member shall not be required to have the right to pay his or her membership fees paid shall not be required.
Chapter 3 Executive
Article 9 (Type and integer of Officials)
① The Council shall have the following officials :
Article 10 (Appointment of Officials)
① The chairman and the auditor of the consultation committee shall be elected at the general meeting and the director shall be appointed. New directors may be appointed through the Board of Directors.
② An officer whose term of office has expired must select a successor within two months of his term and, in the case of an absence of an official, a successor within two months from the date of his absence.
In the event of an election of an executive officer, the competent authority shall inform the relevant office after registering with the competent court within three weeks from the date of selection of the officials.
Article 11 (term of executive)
① The term of the chairman, vice chairman and director shall be three years, and the term of inspection shall be two years. However, the term of a trackwork executive shall be the remainder of his predecessor's term.
② After the end of his term, he shall serve as an executive director until his successor takes office.
Article 12 (acting as an agent)
① The chairman's accident or the chief executive vice president of the city shall assume the role of the chairman. If it is not possible for the Vice Chairman to assume his duties, the Board of Directors shall select him or her.
② The Board of Directors shall be chaired by the Chairman.
Article 13 (reason for disqualification by executives)
No person in any of the following sections shall be an officer.
Article 14 (dismissal of executives)
The dismissal may be made after the resolution of the Conference and the Board of Directors if an officer has made any of the following acts.
Article 15 (Permanent Director)
① A permanent director may be appointed to assume full responsibility for the purpose of the meeting.
② A permanent member shall be appointed by the Chairman through the approval of the Board of Directors.
Article 16 (duties of directors)
① The Chairman shall represent the Council, control the duties of the Council, and become the Chairman of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.
② The Director shall attend the Board of Directors to determine the matters concerning the work of the Council and to deal with the matters entrusted by the Board or the Chairman.
③ The audit shall perform the following functions :
Chapter 4 General Assembly
Article 17 (Composition of the General Assembly)
The Conference shall consist of the highest voting bodies and members of this Conference.
Article 18 (General Assembly classification and call)
① The general meeting is divided into regular and temporary meetings and is called up by the president.
② The regular meeting shall be convened until one month before commencement of each fiscal year, and the extraordinary meeting shall be convened if the chairman admits he is necessary or requires a majority of the directors.
③ The meeting of the general meeting shall be notified to each member in writing seven days prior to the commencement of the meeting, specifying the agenda, time, and place of the meeting.
Article 19 (Special Cases of General Assembly Calling)
① The chairman shall convene a general meeting within 20 days from the date of the call, if any of the following requests are made.
② In the event that a person who has the right to call a general meeting is absent or can not call a general meeting for more than seven days by avoiding it, the meeting may be convened with the consent of a majority of the members or one third of the members on the board.
③ The general meeting according to the provisions of paragraph 2 shall select its chair under the society of the most senior member of the committee.
Article 20 (Resolution of the General Assembly)
The Conference shall determine the following matters :
Article 21 (resolution quorum)
Except as provided in the Articles of Association, the Conference shall be held with the attendance of a majority of its members (written and delegable) and shall be decided by the approval of a majority of the members present.
Article 22 (Reason for decision making)
The member shall not participate in any of the following resolutions :
Chapter 5 Board of Directors
Article 23 (Composition of the Board of Directors)
The Board of Directors shall be composed of the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Director (including permanent directors).
Article 24 (Involving the Board of Directors
① The Board of Directors shall be divided into regular and temporary directors.
② The regular Board of Directors shall be held four times a year and the provisional Board of Directors shall convene when there is a request of at least half of the auditors or directors or the Chairman deems necessary.
③ When a board meeting is to be convened, the chairman shall inform the directors and auditors of the purpose, agendas, the dates of the meeting, and the location of the meeting by seven days before the meeting. However, this is not the case when there is a justifiable reason for being urgent.
Article 25 (Resolution of the Board of Directors)
The Board of Directors shall review and determine the following matters :
Article 26 (quorum)
The Board of Directors shall open with the attendance of a majority of the members present and shall decide with the consent of the majority of the directors present (written delegation is allowed).
Article 27 (No written resolution)
The resolution of the Board of Directors shall not be by written resolution.
Article 28 (Reason for decision making by the Board of Directors)
The Director shall not be able to participate in any of the following resolutions :
Article 29 (dismissal of the Board of Directors)
The Board of Directors may dismiss the Director if : In such a case, a decision shall be made with the approval of two-thirds or more of the directors present.
Chapter 6 Property and Accounting
Article 30 (Property Classification)
① The assets of the association shall be divided into basic and operational assets as follows :
② The basic property shall be the property or property of the association, which is related to the purpose of the association, and shall be the property of the association as the basic property of the association.
③ The operating property shall be other than the basic property.
Article 31 (Management of property)
① When selling, giving, renting or exchanging basic properties of the Council, changing the provision or use of a mortgage, or giving up the burden or right of an obligation, the Board and the General Assembly must vote.
② Changes in basic properties shall be applied to the regulations on articles of incorporation.
Article 32 (resources)
The resources required for the maintenance and operation of the Council shall be as follows :
Article 33 (fiscal year)
The fiscal year of the consultation shall be according to the fiscal year of the Government.
Article 34 (Budget compilation and settlement)
① A month before the fiscal year, the consultation committee shall obtain approval from the general meeting after the approval of the project plan and budget plan by the project plan and budget plan.
② The Council shall obtain approval from the General Assembly after approval by the Board of Directors within two months of the end of the fiscal year.
Article 35 (Audit)
An audit shall be conducted at least once a year.
Article 36 (Maintenance of Officials)
No remuneration shall be paid to the officials. However, it is allowed to pay the required costs for the performance of the work.
Article 37 (Borrowing)
The Board of Directors shall vote when the Council intends to borrow money or other duties outside the budget.
Chapter 7 Office Department
Article 38 (Office)
① An office shall be set up to handle the plenary office under the direction of the president.
② An office may have one secretary and a required employee (secretary).
③ The Director of the Office shall be appointed by the Chairman or dismissed by the Board of Directors.
④ The matters concerning the organization and operation of an office shall be separately determined by the Board of Directors.
⑤ The permanent director is in charge of the secretariat.
Chapter 8, Supplement
Article 39 (Dismantling the Council)
① If a meeting is to be dissolved, the meeting shall be decided by the consent of three quarters or more of the members on the list and reported to the relevant government office.
② The remaining property during the dissolution shall be attributed to other nonprofit associations with similar purposes or to the state or local autonomous governments.
Article 40 (Amendment)
In order to change this charter, the competent authority shall obtain approval from the competent authority through a majority of the members present and at least two-thirds of the members present at the general meeting.
Article 41 (Business Reporting)
The Business Plan and Budget for the following year, and the Business Order and Account Statement for the year shall be reported to the appropriate office within two months after the end of the fiscal year. In this case, the list of assets, status of work, audit results, and status of members shall be submitted as well.
Article 42 (Rules of the Rules)
The matters not prescribed in this charter shall be governed by the provisions of the Council of Division in the Civil Code and the Rules for the Establishment and supervision of the Non-profits Council under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Cultural Heritage Administration.
Article 43 (Rules establishment)
In addition to the matters set forth by this Charter, the matters required for the operation of this meeting shall be determined by the Board of Directors and prescribed by the rules.
Addendum (2018. 9. 28)
Article 1 (Enforcement date)
This charter shall be in force on the day that it is authorized by the competent authority.
Article 2 (Progress Action)
The Act on the Establishment of the Council at the time of its enforcement is deemed to have been committed pursuant to this Charter.
Article 3 (Registered date of founder)
To establish this society, this charter shall be prepared and signed by all of the following and the contributors.
Addendum (2019. 1)
Article 1 (Enforcement date)
This charter shall be in force on the day that it is authorized by the competent authority.